
 week 3:

target audience: the main group of people you are trying to reach

message: tool used to communicate something

work ethic: how you work

employability skills: things that would make you a good employee

20/20 Rule: look away from the computer every 20 minutes

Right-To-Know Laws: the things people have a right to know about where they work

week 4:

icon: a picture that represents something

vector-based graphics: editing or changing a picture

specs/specifications of a project: a description of a project

dialog box (within an application): box on a application where you can select different things to do with that application

palette (within an application): displays all your options such as colors

week 5:

guidelines: a line used to guide you when making something

extensions: an addition to something

contextual menu: gives you choices when clicking on a specific thing

clipping mask: when objects outside of a shape are deleted

week 8: 

hue: the color itself

primary colors: cannot be made by mixing and they are the colors that make other colors (red, yellow,blue)

secondary colors: colors made by mixing 2 primary colors (orange, green, purple)

tertiary colors: a primary color and a secondary color mixed together (red-orange, yellow-orange, yellow green, etc.)

neutral colors: complementary colors mixed together (black, gray, white, brown)

week 9:

continuous tone image: images that have a unlimited range of colors

resolution: used for a pixel count in digital imaging

file size: how much information stored in the file or the amount of disk space used

week 16:

typography: the art of expressing ideas through the selection of appropriate typefaces

typeface: distinctive designs of visual symbols that are used to compose a printed image/design

serif: a smaller line used to finish off a main stroke of a letter, usually at the top and bottom of a character

body type: type sizes that range from 4pt. through 12pt. type

display type: type sizes above 12pt.

reverse type: consists of white type on a solid black or darker color background

point size:  identifies  the size of the type face

week 17:

ligatures: the act of binding or typing up

ampersand: the symbol for and

small caps: a capital letter the same height as the lowercase letters

lowercase: smaller formed letter compared to capital letters

uppercase: larger formed letter compared to lowercase letters

alignment vocab.

flush left: all text is aligned from the left

flush right: all text is aligned from the right

centered: all text is in the center (very formal)

justified: aligned text to left and right (newspaper)

 type family vocab.

lining: numerals that occupy uniform

non-lining: old style numerals

leading: the space in between the lines of type

margin: the empty/white space between the edges of a paper (where to keep important stuff)

concept: an idea; something formed in ones mind

final product: what the target audience will eventually see; the end work

initial cap: larger, decorative, capital letter at the beginning of text or paragraph